American Consumer Opinion Review & Earning Guide:A Legit Way To Earn?

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American Consumer Opinion Review

American Consumer Opinion, also known as ACOP is a dedicated paid survey site. Interestingly, despite the name anyone from any country can join. You don’t have to be from the USA.

The site has a single focus on earning money by completing surveys. But is this focus a good thing or a bad thing for you?

Let’s find out all in our complete review and earning guide for ACOP.

What you need to know

  • Earning Type: Surveys.
  • Time: 2-30 minutes per survey.
  • Earnings: $0.05 to $10.00 per survey (The reality is between $0.05 and $1.00).
  • Trust: Trustworthy, no issues.
  • Payout Options: PayPal, Hyperwallet.
  • Country Availability: USA Canada UK Europe Australia American Consumer Opinion Review & Earning Guide: Is It Legit? Japan (Worldwide)

What is American Consumer Opinion?

American Consumer Opinion Review Header

American Consumer Opinion, or ACOP for short is a dedicated paid survey platform. You will have access to paid surveys directly on the site via survey routers. Their strength however is the survey invites that are emailed to you directly each day.

The most interesting point is that despite having “American” in the name, it is actually available worldwide so anyone can join, complete surveys, and get paid.

It feels somewhat dated in appearance, but the survey functionality behind it is as you’d expect.

But is ACOP a good use of your time and is it a legit way to earn? Let’s find out.

Is American Consumer Opinion Legit & Safe?

We’ve used and reviewed the site and can confirm that American Consumer Opinion is absolutely a legit and safe way to earn online. It is not a scam and does pay out what you’ve earned.

In fact, ACOP is one of the oldest paid survey opportunities in existence. Their history pre-dates online survey sites, having been active since the 80s. This long-standing history and staying power goes a long way to validate their legitimacy.

In addition, they are used widely and have paid out an astonishing amount of cash over the years:

ACOP Legit Or Not Stats
American Consumer Opinion has millions of members and has paid out millions of dollars over the years

That being said, there have been changes recently that have replaced their in-house surveys with survey routers which have degraded the experience somewhat. Still legitimate and safe, but the user experience has suffered. We’ll take a look at that in more detail below.

How Does American Consumer Opinion Work?

There aren’t many sites that are as simple as American Consumer Opinion. The sole focus on surveys means that the site itself is incredibly straightforward.

You just need to sign up, fill in your profile, and then you’re presented with (what are now, unfortunately) generic survey router links on the site. More positively though, they will send you survey invites each day via email. These feel more targeted and suffer less from survey router loops that we see on the site itself.

Sign Up For American Consumer Opinion

Signing up for ACOP is as easy as heading over to the site, filling in a form, and answering a few initial profile questions. Once you’re signed up we suggest that you expand your profile by taking the “Profile Survey” in the account area. This, in theory, increases your chances of getting more directed surveys and avoiding being disqualified for not matching what they’re looking for.

How to Make Money with ACOP

As we’ve discussed, there is a single way to earn money with American Consumer Opinion and that is via surveys. In the past, these were in-house surveys but this has now unfortunately been replaced with survey routers, which has somewhat reduced the ability to earn with ACOP.

They approach surveys in two ways, however:

  1. On-site surveys.
  2. Survey invites via email (recommended).

Feel free to still use ACOP to earn from surveys but there are now much better alternatives. We suggest that you take a look at our huge list of the best paid survey sites.

1. Surveys on-Site

You earn by completing paid surveys that should theoretically be matched against your profile. Sadly, American Consumer Opinion has recently moved over to a survey router model where you are passed through to what are effectively random surveys.

What I really don’t like here is the vagueness of this new approach. As you can see below before you choose to take a survey, you are shown no information about the topic, and how many points you will earn is a massively wide range. It always shows 5 – 1,000 points. This is $0.05 – $10.00…

American Consumer Opinion Survey List
The survey list on ACOP is incredibly unhelpful.

In addition, our experience has been that when you click to take a survey you are routed through a cascade of sites, repeatedly answering the same basic profile questions over and over again until it finally tracks you through to a survey. This is not a great user experience.

You will find that in some cases it takes a good 5 minutes to get through to start a survey.

But don’t worry there ACOP does still offer an option for surveys that works reasonably well.

2. Survey Invites Via Email

In comparison, the experience via the survey invites that they send via email is much better. You’ll an invite each day. Once you tried out that survey, you’ll then get another survey invite, and so on.

The major positive point here is that rather than the vague 5 – 1,000 reward, you will see the specific amount of points that you’ll earn:

American Consumer Opinion Email Surveys
Surveys by email are a much more positive experience.

You will still find yourself navigated through a few different survey routers, but it does not seem to be as long or as painful as when you choose a survey from the site directly.

Our advice is to focus just on the email surveys that are sent to you and ignore the in-site surveys.

We suggest simply focussing on the email invites to surveys as there seems to be a higher acceptance rate and you can see up front how many points you’ll earn.

How to Get Paid by American Consumer Opinion?

American Consumer Opinion works on the concept of points. For any given survey they state that you can earn between 5 and 1,000 points. The reality is that you’ll most frequently be earning between 5 and 100 points. 100 points is $1.00, so each survey will earn you between $0.05 and $1.00.

Minimum Withdrawal & Payout Options

The minimum withdrawal amount for ACOP is 1,000 points, which works out as $10. To get to this point you’ll need to complete between 10 and 200 surveys, depending on how much the survey pays out.

The options for cashing out are fairly limited but at least they convert directly to cash:

  • PayPal.
  • Hyperwallet.

You also have the opportunity to enter sweepstakes with your points. We do not recommend this. It’s a gamble as in most cases you of course won’t win. The points you use to enter the sweepstakes are not returned to you if you lose. Stick with PayPal to make sure you get paid for your effort.

Payout Speed

American Consumer Opinion states that survey earnings may remain in a pending state for 6-8 weeks. This is unusual, to say the least. Fortunately, I believe that this is more of a statement to cover themselves. We found that survey earnings were credited straight away.

In terms of the payout speed, once you hit 1,000 points ($10), you can expect that once you withdraw you’ll have the money in your account in around 7 days. Sometimes it can take a little longer though. If it takes much more than this we recommend that you contact their support team.

ACOP Review Summary: Pros & Cons


  • Low payout threshold.
  • Emailed surveys.
  • Available globally.


  • On-site surveys are vauge and painful.

American Consumer Opinion is a rather dated feeling survey site. On-site, there is no indication of how much you will earn from surveys and once you start you will find that you can bounce through various survey routers for several minutes before hitting an actual survey.

However, there is still an opportunity to earn here. Their survey invites via mail are structured in a much better way. You can see how much you’ll earn before you start and you’ll spend less time moving through the survey router pages. The email invite surveys save ACOP and ensure that it is still a practical way to earn some extra cash.

The plus points are the payout options. PayPal is effectively cash, so there is no need to go through gift card redemptions, etc. The payout minimum is a nice low $10 which is decent in comparison to their competition.

And finally, which may seem counter-intuitive, despite its name it is available globally. Ironically, users in the USA may find that other survey sites are more profitable, while those outside of the USA may find more value in ACOP.

Final Thoughts

American Consumer Opinion has a long history and it seems that it has not modernized itself over the years. This has led to a rather clunk on-site experience. If you are to use ACOP to earn money with paid surveys, then we suggest that you do so via their email invite surveys as the experience is a much more positive one.

There is money to be made here, especially for those wanting to earn from surveys outside of the USA. [The irony isn’t lost on us that American Consumer Opinion may not be the best option for Americans!]

American Consumer Opinion FAQ

There’s always more to ask, so even though we’ve laid out the full American Consumer Opinion review and guide above, we’ve packed some extra information into our FAQ.

There is no American Consumer Opinion app, but if you’re focussing on email invites to surveys it won’t matter. This is because the survey routers are all mobile optimized.

On ACOP, 100 points are worth $1.00, meaning that $1,000 points are worth $10.00, which is also the minimum withdrawal amount.

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