Talent Desire Review: Is it a Scam or Legit?

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Talent Desire Review

Talent Desire claims to be a site that pays you to earn online by typing, transcribing, and tutoring. It even makes bold claims that you can earn $225 per day.

You’re likely here because the Talent Desire typing jobs seem a little… off in some way. And you’re not alone in feeling that way.

Is Talent Desire legit or is it a scam that’s too good to be true? We’ve done a full detailed review of the site, so read on to learn more about the shocking truth.

Talent Desire is not recommended and does not appear in any Earnologist earning lists. Find out why below or check out legit ways to earn instead.

What you need to know

  • Time: No indications on time.
  • Earnings: Talent Desire claims that their typing jobs can earn you up to $225 or even $400 per day. The reality is $0.
  • Trust: Low trust. Serious issues found
  • Payout Options: Payoneer, PayPal, Western Union according to Talent Desire. But in actual fact, you can’t earn a penny.
  • Country Availability: USA flag Canada flag United Kingdom flag European Union Flag Australia flag India Flag Japan Flag (Global, but in reality; nowhere…)

What is Talent Desire?

Talent Desire claims to be a site for freelancers to earn money with “typing jobs”. The descriptions of these jobs are incredibly vague and don’t explain anything beyond a few very basic words.

If you’ve visited the site before, you almost certainly have a question in your mind; “is Talent Desire legit or is it a complete scam?” Fortunately, we’ve taken the risk so you don’t have to take your chances and sign up without knowing all of the facts.

If we look at the site, we can see that they offer medical transcription, online tutoring, content writing, proofreading, and more.

Talent Desire Typing Jobs
Talent Desire’s typing jobs seem to offer rates that you won’t find elsewhere. Too good to be true?

Before we dig into things, let me make it clear. This site has no jobs of any kind and will not allow you to earn any money at all. Read on to find out what’s really going on with the Talent Desire website.

Is Talent Desire Legit?

During our Talent Desire review, we uncovered a lot of worrying facts that make us 100% certain that the Talent Desire website is not legit. What’s more, is that the site seems to exist solely to generate ad revenue. What we’ve found in our review of Talent Desire and its online job offers is something quite sinister. Let’s look at what we found, one discovery at a time.

Talent Desire Spam Ads

If you’re unlucky enough to visit the Talent Desire website without an ad blocker, you will see one of the most advert-riddled sites you’ve ever seen. We all know that ads are part of life online, and in fact, many sites rely on them to fund the site itself. But Talent Desire takes this a step further.

Talent Desire Ad Spam
5 ads on a tiny section of the screen on Talent Desire.

If this wasn’t bad enough, they even have their privacy policy and disclaimer pages. 

Terrible Grammar

For a site that supposedly hires freelance writers, you would think that Talent Desire could get someone to proofread their site. On the front page, they tell you in the most broken, awful grammatical sentence that you can “earn money from home without invest a dime”. Absolutely terrible.

Another awful example is “you are bound for quality work and clients for fair payment.” I can kind of guess what they’re trying to say but it’s just awful really.

At the bottom of the site, they even tell you to “Get start now”. It’s impressive how little effort went into the copy for their content.

Vague and Too-good-to-be-true Promises

When reviewing the online job descriptions on Talent Desire, you will begin to question your own comprehension skills. The site rambles on for pages and pages but doesn’t really tell you anything of substance.

It feels like the text equivalent of when an AI generates an image where everything looks vaguely familiar but you can’t identify a single object by name.

When you dig through the site you will see some promises on earnings such as $225 a day to be a blogger. That’s $6,750 a month by the way. No site is going to pay you that amount of money to write articles for them.

Tip: If an online earning opportunity feels too good to be true, it almost always is.

Talent Desire's Registration/Sign Up Page is Hidden

That’s right, the sign-up page is actually hidden deep within the site. It took me around 10 minutes (not an exaggeration) to click through the maze of pages and find the registration page. Now, you need to ask yourself, why would it be so difficult to find Talent Desire’s sign up page? The answer is that they don’t want you to find it.

The site constantly tells you to go to the Talent Desire application form, go to the Talent Desire registration page, and so on. It even hyperlinks these phrases, but they simply take you to another page that is not the sign up form.

Well, I finally found the sign up page, which completes the puzzle and explains what is going on with the site and why we have a big red banner at the top of this Talent Desire review! Let’s see why that is.

The Sign Up Page on Talent Desire is Fake

That’s quite a bold claim, isn’t it? Well we actually went through with the sign up process and this is what we found:

There is no validation:

They actually allowed me to sign up with a phone number that was all zeros. So they’re not even validating the information entered at sign up.

Talent Desire Sign Up Registration Page is Fake
No validation on the Talent Desire Sign Up Form.

They ask meaningless questions:

You answer “what time is best for you”, but it doesn’t even ask for a timezone. I’m not entirely sure why a work from home writer would need to be active between a particular 3-hour slot either…

Talent Desire Strange Sign Up
Unusual questions on the Talent Desire application form.

You never receive a sign up confirmation email:

That’s right, after navigating their mess of a registration process, you don’t even get a confirmation email. We used a valid email address and never received anything either automated or manual.

Is Talent Desire Real or Fake?

You should now have no doubts about whether Talent Desire is real or fake. Talent Desire is very clearly a fake site. After having extensively reviewed Talent Desire we think that we now know what’s going on, and it relates to ad click fraud.

There are sites out there known as click farms or ad farms. Low-paid workers fraudulently click the ads to generate profit for the website owner. We believe that this is exactly what is happening with Talent Desire. It explains the insane amount of ads on the site, the low-effort content, and the fact that you literally cannot sign-up (because Talent Desire isn’t real, it’s a fake front).

There is an extra layer to it too. I believe that the maze-like nature of the site is designed to make visitors go around in circles looking for Talent Desire’s fake sign up form. They hope that these people will accidentally click on the links on the site to earn them additional income.

Summary: Talent Desire is not real, it’s a fake site that exists to generate ad revenue.

Talent Desire Overview

Talent Desire Review: Pros

  • Literally none.

Talent Desire Review: Cons

  • Talent Desire is a fake site.
  • Potentially an ad farm.

There’s not much more left to say. Talent Desire is a fake site that exists solely to generate ad revenue. It’s not dangerous or a scam as such because you can’t even register.

The sign-up form may be an attempt to collect personal information but because it is so well hidden, it feels like that isn’t that likely.

Checking in with Trustpilot’s Talent Desire Review, you can see that while it (currently) has a 2.5 rating, in actuality every rating is 1 star, which is the lowest rating possible.

Searching online, you won’t find any Talent Desire payment proof, nor anyone who has ever worked for/with them. Save yourself some time and avoid it. In fact, I feel so strongly about this, I refuse to even link to the site in this review.

Talent Desire Alternatives

There are plenty of great options for getting paid to write online. Talent Desire isn’t one of them clearly, but we have a complete list of legit ways to earn online by writing:

And don’t forget, other than online writing jobs, there are a huge range of other ways to earn money online:

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