Textbroker Review & Earning Guide

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Textbroker Review

Textbroker is a site/service that pays you to write articles for others. You earn per word you write which will vary based on Textbroker’s evaluation of your writing.

There is a mixture of open writing opportunities, joining writing teams, and even getting headhunted by clients directly.

But is this a viable way to make money from writing and are you paid fairly for your time?

What you need to know

  • Earning Type: Writing articles.
  • Time: A 1,000 word article takes on average 1-2 hours to write.
  • Earnings: Earnings vary depending on your Textbroker rating. You will earn between 1.1 cents (USD) and 5.5 cents (USD) per word.
  • Trust: Trustworthy, no issues.
  • Payout Options: Bank Account, PayPal.
  • Country Availability: USA UK Europe

What is Textbroker?

Textbroker review legit header

Textbroker is a site that pays you to write articles. Simply put, you are monetizing your writing time and are paid per word that you write for any given piece of work. Clients use Textbroker to find writers, like you to write articles for them at a cost.

The amount you can earn per word is determined by your Textbroker rating. This rating is decided upon by the short 200-300 sample that you write as part of the sign-up process. So it really is crucial to get that right (more on this later).

But is Textbroker really worth your time, and is it a viable way to earn online? Let’s take more of an in-depth look at Textbroker to find out.

Is Textbroker a Scam or is it Legit & Safe?

Before jumping into the review, it’s always worth a check to ensure that the site is legitimate. We can confirm that Textbroker is indeed legitimate, and a real/safe way to earn money from writing articles. It’s not a scam, and they do pay out for the work that you do.

Looking online at sites like Trustpilot you can see that Textbroker gets average ratings. This is more so based on the low rate of pay and doesn’t indicate anything untoward.

Textbroker is also very transparent which is a good sign and something I appreciate. Before you even sign up, they very clearly outline how much money you can earn per word:

Textbroker Review Earning Per Word

Now we know that it is a legitimate way to earn and that the process is very transparent, let’s look at how it works in practice.

How Does Textbroker Work?

There’s nothing overly complex about how Textbroker works. It works a writing service where clients pay to have others write articles for them. This is where you come in. When you sign up as an author, you need to complete a sample article which will then give you a rating.

This rating determines 2 things. First, which level of jobs you can accept. For example, you can only accept 4 star jobs if you earned a 4 star rating or above. Secondly, it determines your approximate rate of pay. A rating means more money per word.

You accept the writing job you want to take, write the article, and are paid for your effort. But there are some pitfalls that we’ll cover later on.

Who Can Join Textbroker?

There is quite some misinformation online about who can join Textbroker. Many sites repeat the same incorrect information about it only being available in the USA. This is not true. The reason for this misconception is that Textbroker doesn’t make it readily apparent who can actually join.

You need to head to Textbroker and click the USA flag in the top corner to see the actual list of countries that you can join from.

The available countries for Textbroker are Brazil, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, UK, and USA:

Textbroker who can join countries

However, in our experience from the UK at least, there are almost no jobs available. Often there are none at all. This makes us think that volume for writing jobs is mainly focussed in the USA. For those outside of the USA, by all means, give Textbroker a try, but if you struggle to find jobs then check out our huge list of similar sites that pay you to write articles online

How to Make Money With Textbroker?

Now we get to the meat of the review. How do you actually make money with Textbroker? And how do you make sure that you earn as much as possible?

There are some crucial steps here that can potentially double, or triple (or more) how much money you can earn with Textbroker.

1. Sign Up & The Writing Sample

Visit Textbroker, remembering that if you don’t live in the USA, to (counterintuitively) click the USA flag in the top right and select your country. You’ll be asked to fill in some basic information about your profession and your expertise when it comes to writing. All pretty standard stuff.

You will also be asked to produce a writing sample of 200-300 words with some very, very strict guidelines and instructions. Please do not jump head-first into this because your sample will be rated and will determine how much money you earn per word.

Take your time with the article, ensure no spelling or grammatical errors, and make sure that you have followed their instructions perfectly.

Quality Ratings & Earnings

When we went through the process, we spent a ridiculous amount of time crafting what we believed to be a perfect article with no mistakes. However, somebody over at Textbroker must have disagreed as we were only given a 4 star out of 5 star rating.

Comparing 4 star to 5 star earnings shows a considerable jump. It’s clear how important this writing sample is in terms of earning potential:

Quality Rating Pay per word Pay Per 1K Words
3 stars
1.1 cents
4 stars
1.6 cents
5 stars
5.5 cents

Don’t get too excited as this is worded on Textbroker as average pay. We’ve seen some earnings of 0.45 cents per word, i.e. less than half a cent per word.

Regardless, you can see the importance of getting your quality rating as high as possible for your sample article.

How Long to Get Approved/Rated?

Because of the sample/rating process, you will not gain access to write articles immediately after signing up. This makes sense because someone has to write and grade your sample. Typically it will be between 3 days and 2 weeks before you are approved/accepted to Textbroker. We were approved within 5 days.

2. Get Paid to Write With Textbroker

You’d be forgiven for thinking that there is only a single way to earn with Textbroker. Well, technically there is but it is broken into 3 distinct areas. All involve writing articles, but the process and earning potential for each is different.

In all cases, there is an expectation that you follow the guidelines for the article exactly. There will potentially be some back and forth between you and the client for revisions and changes.

Let’s look at each opportunity in detail:

Earn With Open Order Writing

Open Orders are the most straightforward way to earn on Textbroker. They are essentially a list of articles that people want written and mostly they don’t care who writes them as long as the star rating matches.

You can see a list of all open orders when you log in. Just browse the list and click the one that matches your expertise or something you’d be happy to write about:

Textbroker Open Orders
Textbroker Open Order categories.

Once you click in, you’ll see the full list of articles along with some useful information such as the deadline, number of words, and how much you can earn.

Textbroker Open Orders Article List
Textbroker Open Orders Article Listings.

Of course, you can only choose the articles that are your current rating (classification) or lower.

Once you click the article you have 10 minutes to accept it. Once accepted, it’s yours and you have until the deadline to write and submit it for review with the client. Revisions can be asked for, and once the client accepts your article, the funds are transferred to your Textbroker account.

Early on this will be your main earning opportunity, before you prove yourself as a capable writer.

Earn With TeamOrders

TeamOrders in Textbroker work in a similar way, but instead of being able to select an article directly, you need to apply to join a team. Within these teams, there will be a number of assignments for you to choose from if you are accepted.

The first step is to choose the teams you would like to apply for from the list:

Textbroker TeamOrders

This will open an application form which will ask for some basic information. Usually about why they should accept you etc.

Once accepted, you can select the articles to write, and the process is largely the same as Open Orders.

Additionally, you may be headhunted and asked to join a team. This will usually only be after you have proven yourself a capable writer with other orders.

You should try to get accepted for teams after you’ve completed a few Open Orders because it is the best way to have a constant stream of work available on Textbroker.

Earn With DirectOrders

Next up we have DirectOrders. Here, you will generally get paid more per word. However, you are completely reliant on the client reaching out to you personally.

You need to make sure that you write as many quality articles as possible, and also that your profile is completely filled out. Think of your profile as your CV and your past orders as proof of your capability.

Get both of those right and you should start getting DirectOrders. If you’re lucky you will be able to arrange ongoing work with specific clients.

How to Earn More With Textbroker

There’s no big secret here. Earning more with Textbroker requires you to produce quality work. And it is also dependent on your quantity of your work. This is a proving ground and your writing has the potential to help you increase your per-word pay.

Your quality rating will be re-assessed over time, so keep quality high. Clients working through DirectOrders or TeamOrders will be looking for the best writers. So it pays to write well and write often.

Similarly, bulk up your Textbroker profile. This is your Textbroker CV and will help you get the more lucrative writing jobs via client requests.

Remember: You’re not limited to just one paid article writing site. Join many to ensure that you have a constant stream of work. Check out our huge list of ways to earn online by writing/writing articles.


  • A huge number of ways to earn.
  • Free daily cash.
  • Earn by playing games.
  • Earn with surveys.

Textbroker: How Much Money Can You Make?

How much you can earn with Textbroker depends on your quality rating and the supply of articles to write. But let’s assume that you’ll be earning around 1.5 cents per word and that you’re able to research and write 1,000 word article in 1.5 hours.

That’s $15.00 for 1.5 hours of work, or around $10 an hour.

It’s not poor pay but it’s not great either.

When you open up TeamOrders and DirectOrders you will increase your hourly earning rate. This is because you’re then looking at a minimum of 2.15 cents per word regardless of your quality level.

Of course, how much you can earn in a given week for example will depend on how much time you can devote to writing and that you’re able to get a steady stream of work on Textbroker.

How to Get Paid by Textbroker?

Many people ask if Textbrokers pays. As we mentioned above it is a legit site so yes Textbroker does pay out. The only requirement is that you have earned at least $10 and that it has cleared into your Textbroker account.

You can request a payout at any point, with the available options being a direct bank transfer or PayPal.

Payouts are processed twice a week which is really good as other similar sites make you wait until the end of the week or even month for payments.

More Ways to Earn

Textbroker Review Summary: Pros & Cons


  • Get paid to write.
  • The process is simple.
  • Low payout threshold & quick payment.


  • Relatively low pay.
  • Requires an assessment to join.

Textbroker is a fairly basic paid writing site. There are articles up for grabs that you can accept, you write and then you are paid. Nothing complex, which is nice as complex processes can eat into your writing time.

You do need to pass an assessment to join, which can mean a wait of a few days up to 2 weeks. This isn’t ideal but I understand why this is in place. The quality rating that you get from your assessment will determine which articles you can accept and how much you earn. Again, I understand why but the fact that you can’t request a re-review means that you can be stuck at a certain level for a significant amount of time.

Now, the pay. It’s not great. You can earn 1.1 cents at level 3, 1.6 cents at level 4 and 5.5 cents at level 5. Most people, even the most accomplished writers will never hit the level 5 star rating.

However, once you establish yourself on Textbroker, you can join teams or even get headhunted directly. The pay-per-word here jumps up and actually cannot drop below 2.15 cents per word.

The site itself is dated and you submit your articles by pasting it into a standard text box. This feels a little clunky to me but is by no means a deal breaker.

Overall, Textbroker holds its own against other paid writing sites. But to ensure that you have a steady stream of articles to write, we suggest signing up for several that you can cycle through.

Textbroker FAQ

There’s always more to ask, so even though we’ve laid out the full Textbroker review and guide above, we’ve packed some extra information into our FAQ.

Typically it will take Textbroker between 3 days and 2 weeks to verify your application and sample article. We were personally verified within 5 days.

You absolutely can’t use ChatGPT with Textbroker. Like many other writing sites you risk being not paid or likely banned if you use ChatGPT.

Yes, Textbroker is available in Europe but only in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Portugal.

Yes, Textbroker is free for authors/writers. You get paid in full for writing articles for clients. Of course, clients who are requesting articles will pay for those articles to be written, however.

Final Thoughts

Textbroker is a perfectly acceptable content mill that pays you to write articles for clients. The hourly pay isn’t fantastic but it is an easy way to get into paid content writing. You need to make sure that your initial assessment/sample of writing is top notch though to make it worth your while. This is because it affects your per-word earnings.

We suggest adding Textbroker to your list of earning opportunities as it is easy to dip into and out of when you need some extra cash. The ability to request a payout and get paid the same week is an extra perk.

Give it a go, but don’t limit yourself to a single content mill. Play the field and sign up to others to boost your income.

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